Quality philosophy

Seamless implementation of your quality standards – with injection moulded products from Utescheny.

Our goal: complete customer satisfaction

As a long-established company of over 30 years’ standing, quality and reliability are our utmost priorities. Complete customer satisfaction coupled with our own commitment to always delivering the best of all possible solutions are the driving forces behind what we do on a day-to-day basis, together with ongoing development of new innovations in the field of injection moulding technology.


Our quality objectives:

For us, customer orientation means implementing our clients’ wishes and needs in line with our mutual success.

The supplier/customer relationship is something we apply not only to our external business transactions but also internally.

We use a flat organisation structure, open and direct communication and short decision making paths to ensure that our business relationships remain simple and customer-orientated.

Our success is founded upon systematically-implemented quality planning. Our staff are trained to meet our clients’ ever-increasing quality expectations.

Secure processes form the basis of our production and are underpinned by constant reassessment.

Each of our employees is responsible for the quality of his/her work. Our executives set examples of quality, so that the quest for quality is comprehensible to all our employees.

Each year, every aspect of our quality objectives is redefined by the management team to take account of new customer standards and to keep in line with necessary economic requirements.

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