Utescheny – the company

Success for the future

Utescheny is a specialist manufacturer of plastic components for vehicle interiors for the automotive industry and supplies almost every well-known German vehicle manufacturer.

With over 300 employees at our corporate headquarters in Zaisenhausen (Baden-Württemberg) and around 30 employees at our recently founded (November 2006) plant in Nowa Sol, Poland, we are able to handle orders of any size for you.

Company data

Company headquarters
Firma C+M Utescheny Spritzgießtechnik GmbH

Industriestr. 2-6
D-75059 Zaisenhausen

Phone.: 07258 / 902 - 0
Fax.: 07258 / 902 - 240

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Polish plant
Utescheny Polska sp. z. o.o.

ul. Ceglana 2
PL-67-100 Nowa Sol


c 300 (Germany)
c 30 (Poland)

c 52 Mio € (2010)


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